Stage Four restrictions come into effect for Metropolitan Melbourne at 11:59pm on Wednesday 5th August 2020. This means that the doors of our Doncaster office will be closed, and all staff will work from home from Thursday 6th August.
For the next few months, the main reception phone will be diverted to voicemail and you will be encouraged to reach us either at our direct phone lines or instead via email. Some direct phone numbers have been published on our website and will be included in all email footers going forward. Any urgent documents that you need to send us will be best uploaded to our portal or emailed.
The next six weeks will be a change for us, but we are prepared and you should see little difference in our service.
We wish our clients and colleagues in Melbourne all the best for the coming six weeks. If we all abide by the rules, we’ll be enjoying the Springtime sunshine when it comes.